
Ch. 18 -Social Media and Marketing

Once upon a time, a picture was posted online. That little image helped explain a heap of words and tired eyes everywhere let out a sigh.
But the faux-fairy tale doesn’t end there – for pictures not only complement copy, but boost business as well. This magic visual effect is explained best by social media today: “Words tell, but images sell.”
As Internet – and particularly social media – trends continue to favor visual, brands are discovering the value of pictures. 44% of users are more likely to engage with brands if they post pictures on their social network pages. Images increase engagement, certainly, but also possess the power to influence sales.
Sephora has witnessed the moxie of images firsthand. Visual elements are a necessity for the beauty retailer, whose products include makeup, skincare and fragrances. For Sephora and many other brands, pictures capture consumer attention, increasing interest and credibility – and leading sales generation.

