
Ch. 17 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

When purchasing products especially cosmetics, researching on product information, reviews and also ratings is significant prior to buying an item. This is precisely why it's so important for companies to have websites, social networks, magazines, and advertisements discussing all the valuable information about the products that customers should be aware of. Another option for consumers trying to find out more information is calling Sephora as well as contacting local stores. 


Ch. 7 - Business Marketing

Sephora logs on to the Internet
In the year 1997, the microcomputers were invented. The worlds first personal computer. With time then came the Internet -Today's most valuable and used invention of all time! Specially by Sephora. Oh yes! Sephora uses every single aspect of this invention to it's convenience and those of their customers. 
Their online store was launched to the US in 1999 and into Canada in 2003. Years later in the year of 2010, they launched their first iPhone app, which later was available for Androids as well. 

They did not stop here. When Apple introduced the iPad to it's customers, Sephora quickly came up with an App specifically for the iPad. Though very similar to the phone app, it had very special features that matched up with what the IPad had to offer. For example the Virtual Mirror. The Virtual Mirror split the screen of your iPad in half, one part was the make-up tutorial video and the other half was a "mirror". The mirror is actually the iPad's FaceTime camera allowing you to see yourself making it easier to follow the steps in the video as it goes along, rather than try to memorize what you see and try it later. In my opinion, a gift sent from above to obsessed make-up tutorial viewers as myself! 


Ch. 8 - Segmenting and Targeting Markets

Sephora's market segment is very clear. The main target group are women age of 20-50 years. The main segmentation bases to characterizes are women that like to pun on make up, taking care of their skin, put a nice perfume on. But it is not the only one target group there are also many men started to go to Sephora and find their products like perfume, after shaving creams, body wash and other skin care products.

Sephora's main target market is women of ages 18 to late 50's. I mean, a beauty related store you'd obviously already figured it to be so. But like I've mentioned before, Sephora is unlike any other beauty retailers in the market. And proving to be so, they have gone where most beauty stores wouldn't. To search for a new market segment - males of ages 20 to 30. Sounds risky? Why of course it is! What 'macho' male would tell his boys, "hey guys, let's stop at Sephora for a minute before we head to the bar!"? The answer is probably none. But keep calm, Sephora has already covered all these doubts.