
Ch. 17 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

When purchasing products especially cosmetics, researching on product information, reviews and also ratings is significant prior to buying an item. This is precisely why it's so important for companies to have websites, social networks, magazines, and advertisements discussing all the valuable information about the products that customers should be aware of. Another option for consumers trying to find out more information is calling Sephora as well as contacting local stores. 


Ch. 7 - Business Marketing

Sephora logs on to the Internet
In the year 1997, the microcomputers were invented. The worlds first personal computer. With time then came the Internet -Today's most valuable and used invention of all time! Specially by Sephora. Oh yes! Sephora uses every single aspect of this invention to it's convenience and those of their customers. 
Their online store was launched to the US in 1999 and into Canada in 2003. Years later in the year of 2010, they launched their first iPhone app, which later was available for Androids as well. 

They did not stop here. When Apple introduced the iPad to it's customers, Sephora quickly came up with an App specifically for the iPad. Though very similar to the phone app, it had very special features that matched up with what the IPad had to offer. For example the Virtual Mirror. The Virtual Mirror split the screen of your iPad in half, one part was the make-up tutorial video and the other half was a "mirror". The mirror is actually the iPad's FaceTime camera allowing you to see yourself making it easier to follow the steps in the video as it goes along, rather than try to memorize what you see and try it later. In my opinion, a gift sent from above to obsessed make-up tutorial viewers as myself! 


Ch. 8 - Segmenting and Targeting Markets

Sephora's market segment is very clear. The main target group are women age of 20-50 years. The main segmentation bases to characterizes are women that like to pun on make up, taking care of their skin, put a nice perfume on. But it is not the only one target group there are also many men started to go to Sephora and find their products like perfume, after shaving creams, body wash and other skin care products.

Sephora's main target market is women of ages 18 to late 50's. I mean, a beauty related store you'd obviously already figured it to be so. But like I've mentioned before, Sephora is unlike any other beauty retailers in the market. And proving to be so, they have gone where most beauty stores wouldn't. To search for a new market segment - males of ages 20 to 30. Sounds risky? Why of course it is! What 'macho' male would tell his boys, "hey guys, let's stop at Sephora for a minute before we head to the bar!"? The answer is probably none. But keep calm, Sephora has already covered all these doubts.


Ch. 18 -Social Media and Marketing

Once upon a time, a picture was posted online. That little image helped explain a heap of words and tired eyes everywhere let out a sigh.
But the faux-fairy tale doesn’t end there – for pictures not only complement copy, but boost business as well. This magic visual effect is explained best by social media today: “Words tell, but images sell.”
As Internet – and particularly social media – trends continue to favor visual, brands are discovering the value of pictures. 44% of users are more likely to engage with brands if they post pictures on their social network pages. Images increase engagement, certainly, but also possess the power to influence sales.
Sephora has witnessed the moxie of images firsthand. Visual elements are a necessity for the beauty retailer, whose products include makeup, skincare and fragrances. For Sephora and many other brands, pictures capture consumer attention, increasing interest and credibility – and leading sales generation.

Ch. 11 - Developing and Managing Products

Sephora releases many new products every year. Their main category of new products however, is the addition to existing product lines. Stating that Sephora carries over 100 different name brands, it is safe to say, there's not much out there that they already don't have! But let's focus on their own label. One of my favorite new addition to this product line is their Outrages Volume Set. This set carries a volumising mascara with a very thick brush for longer lashes (this helps give your lashes that Va Va BOOM look!) This set also includes an eye make-up remover at only a $15.00 price!

The reason why we get to enjoy products like ,Sephora's new Outrageous set, is thanks to their Research and Development team. They are constantly looking for new glamorous and most importantly,safe ideas to bring to the table. Or in this case, face!

As an increasing number of consumer-facing brands begin to think about how all of their digital touch-points work together to provide a consistent experience, marketers are focusing on best practice examples. Some of those examples are stand-outs. American beauty brand Sephora is a great example of a cosmetics retailer that doesn’t use technology to overtly focus on the transaction, but to develop how customers interact with their brand. By using technology to focus on customer needs and making their lives easier, they have gained a powerful following that has resulted in sales, fierce loyalty and passionate advocates. - See more at: http://thesocialmediamonthly.com/sephoras-world-leading-digital-platform/#sthash.qQaQycNf.dpuf
As an increasing number of consumer-facing brands begin to think about how all of their digital touch-points work together to provide a consistent experience, marketers are focusing on best practice examples. Some of those examples are stand-outs. American beauty brand Sephora is a great example of a cosmetics retailer that doesn’t use technology to overtly focus on the transaction, but to develop how customers interact with their brand. By using technology to focus on customer needs and making their lives easier, they have gained a powerful following that has resulted in sales, fierce loyalty and passionate advocates. - See more at: http://thesocialmediamonthly.com/sephoras-world-leading-digital-platform/#sthash.qQaQycNf.dpuf
As an increasing number of consumer-facing brands begin to think about how all of their digital touch-points work together to provide a consistent experience, marketers are focusing on best practice examples. Some of those examples are stand-outs. American beauty brand Sephora is a great example of a cosmetics retailer that doesn’t use technology to overtly focus on the transaction, but to develop how customers interact with their brand. By using technology to focus on customer needs and making their lives easier, they have gained a powerful following that has resulted in sales, fierce loyalty and passionate advocates. - See more at: http://thesocialmediamonthly.com/sephoras-world-leading-digital-platform/#sthash.qQaQycNf.dpuf
As an increasing number of consumer-facing brands begin to think about how all of their digital touch-points work together to provide a consistent experience, marketers are focusing on best practice examples. Some of those examples are stand-outs. American beauty brand Sephora is a great example of a cosmetics retailer that doesn’t use technology to overtly focus on the transaction, but to develop how customers interact with their brand. By using technology to focus on customer needs and making their lives easier, they have gained a powerful following that has resulted in sales, fierce loyalty and passionate advocates. - See more at: http://thesocialmediamonthly.com/sephoras-world-leading-digital-platform/#sthash.qQaQycNf.dpuf
Sephora took a leadership position early on and quickly moved beyond the hype of social media. It is now a brand that uses insights gained from customer engagement to invest in intelligent personalised interactions. For example, Sephora uses Facebook primarily for customer service, and invests more in Pinterest as a marketing platform focused on inspiration and communication. In other words, they have a specific and clear strategy for each social media platform. - See more at: http://thesocialmediamonthly.com/sephoras-world-leading-digital-platform/#sthash.qQaQycNf.dpuf


Ch. 10 - Product Concepts

Though Sephora offers a broad range of products, I have come to the conclusion that they specialize in shopping products, specialty products and unsought products.

Shopping products are products that are usually more expensive than a convenience store's products and are more likely to be found in fewer stores. And so are the products in Sephora. Though still affordable to any middle class woman, Sephora is more expensive than the products sold at your usual Pharmacy or Beauty Supply store. Also some of the name brands in Sephora won't be easy to find in those type of stores.

Specialty products are specific products that customers look for extensively. Being very reluctant to accepting substitutes. Sephora has many of these products. Whether it is an anti-wrinkle cream or lip plumping lip gloss, Sephora has it. These products are very specific and only a certain group of people seek to buy them.


Ch. 16 - Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Promotion

In 1999 Sephora launched their first U.S. Ad. campaign. Costing them $25 million. The campaign's tag line was "Beauty is how you see it" The ads appeared in magazines, television, the internet and outdoors in NYC. 

Stating that Sephora is a retail store for many different beauty products, therefore carrying a huge range of name brands/products; The company is forced to practice both institutional and product advertising. This way it's able to advertise both the institution and the various products it contains.

Due to the fact that all of their merchandise is beauty related, identifying the product's benefits come quite easily. For example dark spot corrector creams and anti-wrinkle moisturizers: The ads and even the description when shopping online will most likely state the benefits of these products. Going as far as to predicting the time period as to when you'll start seeing results! Amazing, isn't it?

Also Sephora has adapted the source of vloging. They have their own channel on YouTube called "Sephora" where they have information as to new products that are now in stores and one of my favorites is their 'how to' videos where they have someone record themselves using Sephora products. They give you cool and easy to do steps from "Make-Up Tutorial for Mature Woman" to "V-Shape Manicure Tutorials" And my all time favorite,"Sephora Presents How to Use Violent Lips" where two young girls show you how to use these super glamorous and easy to create lipstick stickers. 


Ch. 14 - Marketing Channels and Retailing

Sephora’s website builds on it retail store strengths of self-service, freedom, and quality. Users are free to browse and learn about products through consumer reviews, videos (Sephora TV), and information (Beauty Talk expert advice) such as usage tips and recommendations. The videos are professionally produced and the reviews and expert advice provide relevant content to users in making decisions (Sephora USA Inc., 2011). Sephora.com also employs a variety of best practices in e-commerce websites such as “popular picks”, tiered navigation interface, suggestions, rich visual content, and explanations of products from the consumer’s perspective (i.e. how to use product, why use it). Having these features on the website provides value to consumers through access to information and aids in conversions.

The freedom a Sephora store provides allows customers to navigate the store as they please, try products on their own time using demos, and ask for service if needed. The nature of beauty products means women must try them to see their effects and compare. The freedom to try products without high pressure sales and sales associates recommending certain brands typical of service oriented department stores helps consumers take the time to enjoy the shopping experience and choose what fits them.


Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

Sephora is known for their lifetime return policy. If you purchase a particular brand and if a certain location does not carry that brand, they will still accept the product (originally purchased at a different location) under their return policy.  This will help customers feel more secure during the Purchase Evaluation phase. Either they are happy with the product, or they have alternatives to fix the problem

Sephora recognizes the important role that culture plays in consumer buying decisions. For example, in China, Sephora opened 23 retail stores and SEPHORA CHINA'S online store. They offer customers free shipping when they purchase online and during Chinese holidays. In Chinese culture, weddings are always a very big celebration involving the whole extended family for which families are willing to buy, buy, buy.  Sephora popularizes their Wedding product line on the internet for both the bridegroom and bride. 


Ch. 5 - Developing a Global Vision

Sephora didn't just throw their product out there for the world to see and then hope something works.  They actually hired professionals to help them with their global vision.  Interested in the masterminds behind the Sephora international business strategy?

Sephora opened a huge store in Malaysia complete with a unique architectural design, and stunning visual product lay-out inside.  The soft opening for their first store was on May 7th, 2011. This represents only one small facet of Sephora's global presence.

Founded in 1969 in Limoges, France, in 1997 Sephora joined the world’s first Luxury Brand, Louis Vuitton (LVMH). At present, the Sephora brand name is featured  in 21 countries with more than 800 stores and boasts annual sales of more than 20 billion euros. Starting from April 2005, Sephora positioned themselves to enter the Chinese market.


Ch. 4 - The Marketing Environment

Sephora carries over 200 different brands and over 13,000 products including make-up, skincare, fragrance, bath & body, hair care, and beauty tools.Under each of these categories are many more sub-categories, allowing the company to offer a lot more than their competitors. The numerous variety of products lines sets the company's position as a one-stop shop for any personal care need. Carrying a blend of many new brands as well as the high end and well known ones. Sephora's product offering is able to meet the needs of a diverse set of customers. 
Sephora’s in store design indicates several target market segments including women and men. Some sections of the store show pictures of women of all cultures from 20-30, 30-40, 40-50+ and men 20-40+. The kind of women attracted to Sephora would be those who value both fashionably and good quality skincare, beauty, and fragrance products and are open to a medium to high price range. Sephora is also now producing sections int heir store carrying richly decorated cosmetics that would appeal to young girls such as pre-teen to teenager. 


Ch. 3 - Ethics & Social Responsibility

Sephora is a very social open company. The way they target their customers and the way they expand their company. It possible to find Sephora's stores almost all over the globe. Company's policy is to anti discrimanate in race,gender, religion,age, sexual orientation etc.It does not matter where you was born or what gender you are. You are welcome to Sephora as a customer or employee. Even the way this company promote-their product in magazines, billboards, facebook, twitter etc Sephora do not cater to one look.

Visiting sephora's retail stores you can see employees there very divese, you can see male or female consultants very different ages ethnic backrounds and even hear different languages. No matter where those people came from , but all of them came for the same reason to provide good customer service and make Sephora better To make sure that work place at their best Sephora Company update ethics codes every few months.They try to do it to make sure that employees has clear understanding of how to make their customers happy and build long lasting relations with them- make them regular. Sephora started to make their poll services to make sure that they have a clear picture of customer needs and the best way to meet customers needs.Their strategy of

providing ethic codes gave positive result :
- new Sephora's stores keep open-up,
- more and more customers go to Sephora,

- more and more people get hired at sephora,



Ch. 2 - Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage -WI Students Begin Marketing Plan

Sephora is a very big and famous cosmetics and perfumes company. it contains a lot of brands of cosmetics. the strengths of this company is it can help clients find many kinds of make up staff and skin cares, second, Sephora offers promotion sometimes and it will catch clients eyes. third, clients also can buy products on line,  that's the easy way for costumes,
On the other hand,Sephora also has weakness.such as on line shopping, Sephora was not allow free shipping on every single order, it must be over the 50 dollars, i think  it limits clients' shopping desire. if it sets free shipping on every order, it will attract more customers.
the strengths that i do not know is Sephora provides free make up on the store, there are professional make-up artists to help people to make up, that's a very good opportunity for clients to know which is the right skin care or cosmetic for them.
The weakness which is not generally know by outsiders is when people shop on line , it does not have the professional staff introduces the products for clients. it will confine the shop probability.
Opportunity for Sephora may be Sephora can open a make-up class program for the clients who wants to learn how to make up.
Sephora offers different kinds of cosmetics , skin care, and perfumes.and it contains lots of famous brands, such as Chanel,YSL, Dior and so no.
Most of girls or ladies will be interested in Sephora, because most of products from Sephora is directing at them.
The goal of Sephora is becoming the most famous cosmetic canpany in The US, when people talk about Sephora, they will feel so nice about the products and service.


Chapter 1, Overview of Marketing (Brief History and Mission Statement)

Sephora is a France brand which is founded in Paris in 1970. it contains more than hundreds brands,along with its own private label, sephora provides beauty products, including make up, skin care, hair care, body,and perfume. Sephora is one of the leading perfume and cosmetic store in France.
As of 2011, Sephora has the 1655th store in the 29th country, in April 2005, Sephora opened the first business in Shanghai, China.
In 1994,the cosmetic store was named Sephora. She is the biblical allusions in the name of the wife of Moses,she is beautiful,brave and generous young women in a symbol of elegance, joy and freedom, and this is very consistent to the business concept which is stylish and innovative.
Sephora is a beauty hall which brings more service,offers and information to you.